Pregnancy is a special time for every woman. This is the time when many changes occur simultaneously in the body of the woman as well as in her mind and body. In such a situation, along with being special, it is also very delicate, so there is a need to take special care.
If you are pregnant, then many questions will be running in your mind that what you should take care of, what you should and should not do and for this we are giving you some better tips –
First trimester (1 to 12 weeks) pregnancy care tips
• After confirming the pregnancy, first of all take the first suggestion or consultation from the doctor.
• A few different tests should be done before birth to ascertain the health of the fetus.
• Get your essentials checked.
• Start taking food in liquid form.
• Once you complete three months of pregnancy, make a plan to share the good news with family and friends.
• Exhaustion, weakness felt in the morning, if any, reduce your working time to deal with it.
• Morning sickness or weakness felt in the morning usually disappears by the end of the first trimester or by the 16th week.
• Start taking prenatal vitamins as prescribed by your doctor.
• Take special care of your lower back while traveling.
• Avoid bumpy roads.
• Problems in the lower back are common, which you can reduce by taking frequent naps.
• Healthy diet means follow a healthy diet.
• Start with your regular walk to keep your blood pressure and sugar level under control.
• If you notice any unusual changes, talk to your doctor.
2nd trimester (13 to 26 weeks) pregnancy care tips
• Discuss your upcoming appointment with your doctor.
• You will be advised by the doctor for an anomaly scan between 18 and 20 weeks.
• Find out about prenatal exercise seminars. Many women find that prenatal exercise seminars are a great way to bond and get along with other pregnant women.
• Get your sugar level checked on the advice of the doctor and keep diabetes under control in every way till pregnancy.
• If you are ruled out GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus), see a nutritionist to get it under control.
• Start shopping for casual maternity clothes.
• Try to relax at the end of the week by attending live music concerts, movies etc.
• Start moisturizing your stomach to reduce itching.
• Avoid lying on your back.
• Talk to doctors about how to cope with heartburn, leg cramps, restlessness, back pain and sleeplessness.• Dental care is also important during pregnancy.
• The third trimester often brings on fatigue, so now is the right time to move around before your baby is born (with proper consultation and care from a doctor).
Third trimester (27 to 40 inches) pregnancy care tips
• In this third week trimester, all the delivery options are known, such as drug free vaginal delivery, vaginal delivery with pain relief and caesarean section.
• Pack a bag for the hospital or birthing center.
• You may feel the need to nap the way you did in the first trimester because of the prolactin.
• You should start shopping for these items for the hospital (nursing bra, nightgown, baby clothes, and car seat) and at home (diapers, wipes, etc.).
• Knowing about cord blood storage becomes important here.
• If you notice a sudden weight gain of more than five pounds a week, swelling of the face and hands, with or without a headache, contact your doctor immediately.
• At the end of the day, take out time to take a bath.
• If you feel the need to rest and sleep well, then at the end of the week leave all work and get enough sleep.
• As your baby continues to grow, your organs contract and stretch upwards, making heartburn and acid reflux symptoms much worse. To combat this, try eating small meals several times during the day.
• If you are expecting a safe and easy delivery or you have some doubts about the whole process of delivery, it is better to take a birth class.
• This is a very special time and it should contain all the necessary documentation.
Doctors advise you to follow all these things during pregnancy so that your pregnancy can be completely safe and joyful.
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