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If your younger sister is troubled by pimple and acne, then tell her these 6 teen age skin care tips

Your younger sister is troubled by pimples and acne

The skin of teenagers is very sensitive, so it is not appropriate to use anything on the skin without thinking. Therefore, proper skin care is essential.

Chikoo will keep your skin glowing.

Teenage is a very beautiful phase in the life of every youth. In this age, new freedoms are found, new friends are made, girls become more aware of their looks in this age. During this time many hormonal changes also take place in their body. Which affects the mood as well as the skin. In which acne or pimple is the most common problem. If your younger sister is also going through a similar change, then we have some teen age skin care tips.

Teenage and skin changes

Due to the change of hormones in teenage, the problem of pimples and acne starts bothering. After this, stubborn marks of pimples have to be faced, which is very irritating.

That’s why at this time special attention needs to be paid to skin care. Many girls do not know which steps they should add to their skincare. So if your teenage sister is also confused in the same way, then you can help her with these steps.

Here are 6 Teen Age Skin Care Tips

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Pimples bother the most at this age.

Wash face regularly:
You should do this work as soon as you wake up in the morning, because it is very important to clean off whatever oil your skin has released at night. Soap should not be used for this, rather use a very mild cleanser. Gently clean the skin and do not rub it. Face wash must be done even before sleeping.

2 Moisturize:
Irrespective of your skin type, you must use moisturizer on your skin. You may not want to apply moisturizer on the skin due to oily skin. But you should use a light cream for this, which claims to cure all your skin problems. You can also use a matte finish moisturizer.

Follow this easy skin care routine to keep your skin healthy this monsoon

Do not use 3 powders:
In this age, many dangerous ideas keep coming, which can be harmful for the skin. If you are using powder on your skin to get relief from excess oil, then do not do it at all. Because the powder will block your pores and this hack is of no use to you. Tissue paper can be used to get relief from oil.

4 Stay away from scrubs:
If your younger sister is under 16, she should not use the scrub now. To remove black heads and dead skin cells, it is necessary to clean the skin regularly. Due to which all these problems will not come on your face.

Stay away from scrubs

Don’t use too much makeup:
Your skin is very delicate at this age, so you should not use heavy makeup products and do not use foundation. Instead, use the concealer of your shade. Apply a tinted moisturizer to the skin. Use lip gloss instead of lipstick.

6 Drink more and more water:
Drinking water keeps your body hydrated and makes your skin glow. By drinking more water, all the toxins are flushed from your body, due to which you do not see the problem of pimples, acne too much. If you find drinking water boring, then you can also drink things like cucumber, lemonade and green tea.

All these things must be taken care of during teenage and along with it keep in mind that you are not touching your skin again and again. Because you can have bacteria on your hands. At this age, it is even more important to take a good and nutritious diet.

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