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Surrogacy cost in India is reasonable as compared to other countries

Surrogacy is a process in which a woman agrees to carry and deliver a child for another person or couple. Surrogacy is often opted by the couples who fail to conceive through any other fertility treatments as well as can’t go through the adoption process1.

Surrogacy cost in India is reasonable as compared to other countries. It dwells within the range of Rs. 10,00,000 to Rs. 18,50,0001. The cost of surrogacy may vary from one surrogacy fertility clinic to another, depending on the surrogacy doctor’s experience, success rates, and surrogacy clinic location234. The cost of surrogacy also includes the IVF drugs, consultations, investigations, ultrasounds, oocyte pick up, IVF lab and embryology, embryo transfer, sperm freezing, egg donor compensation, and surrogate mother compensation34.

Surrogacy is a complex and expensive procedure that requires various charges and compensations to the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother is the woman who agrees to carry and deliver the child for the intended parents. The surrogate mother cost in India is usually between Rs. 3,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000, depending on the surrogacy clinic and the surrogate mother’s profile35. The surrogate mother cost covers the surrogate mother’s medical expenses, legal fees, food, accommodation, travel, and other expenses during the pregnancy35.

Surrogacy is a legal and ethical issue in India. The Indian government has banned commercial surrogacy in India since 2019, and only allows altruistic surrogacy for Indian married couples who have proven infertility45. Altruistic surrogacy means that the surrogate mother does not receive any monetary compensation for her services, except for the medical expenses and insurance coverage45. The intended parents and the surrogate mother have to sign a surrogacy agreement that specifies the terms and conditions of the surrogacy arrangement45.

Surrogacy is a life-changing decision for both the intended parents and the surrogate mother. It involves physical, emotional, psychological, social, and legal aspects that need to be carefully considered before opting for surrogacy. Surrogacy can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for both parties, but it also comes with risks and challenges that need to be addressed with the help of a professional surrogacy agency, a qualified surrogacy doctor, and a competent legal advisor

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